COERR organized Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Training to set standard of Working for the Displaced Persons in Ban Mae Lama Luang and Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelters in Mae Hong Son’s Sob Moei District on July 20 and 21, 2020 respectively. There were 54 trainees, including 27 in Ban Mae Lama Luang of 17 male and 10 female; and 27 in Ban Mae La Oon of 16 male and 11 female.
COERR Program Officers provided this training for camp based refugee staff who have been working in Social Work, Agricultural Promotion and Livelihood Promotion Program in both Temporary Shelters.
Methods used in the training was to have trainees brainstorm, based on their understanding, about the meaning of “Sexual Exploitation” and “Sexual Abuse”. Then the trainers concluded and clarified the real definition for their further understanding.
Then trainees brainstormed about the sexual abuse and exploitation case study that might occur at workplace: who would be affected and the consequences; and finally, how to report the incidents.
The result of this training was that camp based refugee staff had been trained to learn, think, analyze, review; and convinced how important it was to perform their roles and responsibilities skilfully.
“PSAE” TRAINING in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temprorary Shelter

“PSAE” TRAINING in Ban Mae La Oon Temprorary Shelter
